Historical Homos Has a Trailer?! (OK we've made it...) / by Sebastian Hendra

Look. We all agree we’re hilarious, right? RIGHT?

Then why would you NOT listen to me and my (admittedly Irish) co-host Donal explain the faggocious, the vaginavoracious, the transistential queer history of the world on our new podcast and web series?

Because you’re profoundly homophobic? Fair enough. Please take a goodie bag on your way out.

But to the few who subscribe to this e-mail list and actually care about hysterical, homosexual “who-dun-who” history, welcome. Welcome to the Gayest Stories Never Told. You’re safe now.

We are launching the Historical Homos show next month WITH OR WITHOUT YOU, and crucially, just in time for Pride. So while you’re douching this Saturday in preparation for Memorial Day – support the troops! – or wondering why your June budget includes a line item for “Unprofitable Homo Support,” make sure you remember to tell people about the REAL news:

Queer history is human history. We should all know it and, even when it’s not Pride month, celebrate it.

If this trailer doesn’t get your nonbinary boner excited about that, then I don’t know what will.

Finally, please make sure to send to all of your most homophobic friends. If anything this series will confirm how dangerously intelligent, hilarious, and SICK gay people really are.

And we all know how bigots love to be right.